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Prodigal Summer
Barbara Kingsolver
Freakangels, Volume 1
Warren Ellis, Paul Duffield
Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches' Guide to Romance Novels
Candy Tan, Sarah Wendell
The World Without Us
Alan Weisman
Looking for Group, Volume 1
Ryan Sohmer, Lar Desouza

Leviathan Wakes (Expanse, #1)

Leviathan Wakes (Expanse, #1) - James S.A. Corey,  Jefferson Mays Audiobook Review at the end.

I had fun with Leviathan Wakes. I liked that the novel was light in terms of science-fiction; it had enough of a realistic base that it seemed plausible, but not enough that you felt inundated with scientific jargon. Not that I don't like a heavier science fiction book - but it was a nice change of pace.

I did, however, struggle with the pacing throughout the book. It started off slow, ramped up to a head-to-head conflict with the "middle-man" of bad, then lulled while the characters spent time in their space station while waiting to come up with a plan to finally take on the major threat of the novel.

The novel is no great feat of literature. The dialogue is bloated with he and she saids, and the language is pretty basic. I like an easy read, so this wasn't a turn-off for me - but if may be for others.

I'm not rushing to read the next in the series, but I am definitely interested and will add it to my to-read list.


I was not impressed with the audiobook version of this novel. The narration was slow and I had to up the speed to 1.25x in order to make it feel like a natural reading of the novel. The narrator had a way of drawing things out when it didn't seem necessary. I definitely will not be listening to the next book in this series, though I may pick it up in book form.