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Currently reading

Prodigal Summer
Barbara Kingsolver
Freakangels, Volume 1
Warren Ellis, Paul Duffield
Beyond Heaving Bosoms: The Smart Bitches' Guide to Romance Novels
Candy Tan, Sarah Wendell
The World Without Us
Alan Weisman
Looking for Group, Volume 1
Ryan Sohmer, Lar Desouza

His Dark Materials, Book II

The Subtle Knife  - Philip Pullman I reviewed His Dark Materials as a series, so you can read my non-spoiler review here. I gave the overall series 4 stars.

I listened to the audiobook version of the entire series and quite enjoyed them. The book is narrated by author Philip Pullman and a full cast and was very well done. The only thing I didn't like about the audiobook was the music, it was very synthesized. The music was especially obnoxious in The Amber Spyglass when every chapter had a musical lead in.