Thanks to this book, I will one day purchase a Bokashi Bucket. It's an indoor composting system and it is AWESOME. Google it, read about it, love it - It will change your life.
Actually it probably won't, but it is very neat. I will also have a system to collect rainwater for my toilets, ingenious!
I picked up a few other good tips and the book was filled with some interesting information about what cities around the world are doing and have done to 'go green.'
I already do quite a bit to reduce my carbon footprint - I keep electronics off for the most part, turn off lights when I leave the room, recycle and compost. So a lot of the information I already knew. But I can definitely see this book as a good jumping off point for someone who has no idea where to start to reduce their carbon footprint.
The one major complaint I had about the book was the formatting. Most of the pages had two columns - the main text on the left, and side notes on the right. In some places both columns would wrap around to the next page making it cumbersome to read. There were also some darkly colored pages with black writing that were a little difficult to read.
All in all a good guide for someone wanting some quick tips on how to reduce their carbon footprint.