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Soon I Will Be Invincible

Soon I Will Be Invincible - Austin Grossman,  Coleen Marlo,  Paul Boehmer Note: This review contains comments on the Audiobook narrated by Coleen Marlo and Paul Boehmer.

Soon I Will Be Invincible was mildly cliche, but humorous and definitely enjoyable.

The novel focuses on the villain Doctor Impossible and the Champions, a previously disbanded group of superheroes who reconvene with some new members to find out what happened to a member of their team who has disappeared and take down Doctor Impossible.

The team is pretty cliche in terms of superheroes - an invincible woman, a gadget guy, an energetic child hero, a mythic fairy, a cyborg, a half-human half-cat mutant, a magician and an invisible girl. But Grossman does a good job of giving them all personalities with faults included.

Doctor Impossible was a great villain, not the villain that you love to hate, but the villain you can connect with and, to an extent, feel sorry for.

The story jumps back and forth from one narrator to the next as the point of view shifts from Doctor Impossible to Fatale (one of the new Champions recruits). When I first began listening to the audiobook I wasn't completely sold on Marlo's Fatale, but it definitely grew on me. Boehmer's Doctor Impossible was fantastic from the get go - an evil twinge, but with the sad (pathetic?) undertones that mirror his life story.

My only complaint is in the pacing of the story. It took me quite a bit of time to get to the "don't-want-to-put-it-down moment. There was a lot of build-up to the end that could have been evened out a bit more.